CENG 511 – Advanced Algorithms 

Semester: Fall 2022
Schedule: MONDAY/FRIDAY 18:00-20:50 A-4042
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Ahmet COÅžAR
Office: L-207
Description: Growth of functions, recurrences. Comparison based sorting, QuickSort, HeapSort. Linear time sorting, Counting sort, Radix Sort. Dynamic hashing. Search trees, Balanced search trees: AVL, Red-black, B-trees. Graphs, BFS and DFS graph travelsal, Minimum spanning tree, Shortest path algorithms. String matching, Huffman codes.

Greedy algorithms, Dynamic programming, Backtracking, Branch-and-bound, A*, NP-Complete and NP-hard problems. Approximation algorithms.

Text Book: T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, R. L. Rivest, and C. Stein. Introduction to Algorithms, MIT Press and McGraw-Hill, 4th Edition, 2022. 

Programming Assignments (30%)
Midterm (30%)
Final (40%)